Scholarship awards ceremony 2018/2019
In the Great Hall of the Kolarac Foundation this year, the Studenica Foundation awarded scholarships to the most successful students from the universities of Serbia. Thirty-eight scholarships have been awarded , each of which amounted to RSD 110,000 each year, or about one thousand and one hundred US dollars.

The ceremony was opened by the alumni choir led by Filip Milivojevic, to the student anthem "Gaudeamus Igitur", followed by a message from the president and founder of the foundation, Miroslav Michael Djordjevic, which he sent to the scholars from San Rafael for the occasion. “Our desire was for the foundation to contribute to the nurturing of the universal virtues of truth and honor, justice and honesty, freedom and equality. I heartily wish you success, with the hope that you will not forget these wishes of the founders and that they will become an inseparable part of your future and the future of Serbia and the Serbian people, "said the President in his message.
The new scholarship recipients were conveyed the message that the foundation strives to financially support the most gifted students in the homeland, but to also, with their successful American experience, help young generations become successful themselves and to preserve and promote the values and Serbian heritage that the founders grew up with. For generations to come, inspired by the work of the founders, they should continue to care for and help the younger generations. The Studenica Foundation Alumni Club was founded to, among other things, continue this tradition from generation to generation. The Vice President of the Foundation and the Director of the Office in Belgrade, Dr Slavka Draskovic, congratulated the students on the scholarship and informed them about the intentions of the founders and the foundation, as well as its activities today, and what the scholarship holder is expected to do.

Olga Danilovic, a prominent member and longtime activist of the Serbian diaspora from Canada and Austria, spoke about the connection between the diaspora and education, and why education is important for the Serbian diaspora and the necessity for it to be part of Serbia's cultural and educational revival. Olga Danilovic said that the goal of the diaspora, through the work of the Studenica Foundation, is to highlight the importance of knowledge and education and cultural development for the Serbian nation, as well as to help young people financially in order to reach world standards. "Education is not only a matter of individuals, it is also a great strength of society and the state," said Olga Danilovic. "By raising the knowledge and cultural level of general education in Serbia, the state, though small and underdeveloped, can enter the ranks of respectable European countries, because the Industrial Revolution is over, knowledge is power today." She said that the very name of the Studenica Foundation speaks about the efforts of the Serbian diaspora to connect the Enlightenment thread from its very roots, which originated in the Studenica Monastery with St. Sava, until the 21st century, and the great technological and scientific development.
"It is precisely this enlightening thread that has existed among the Serbian people for centuries, which should be the backbone around which we will gather, not only the diaspora and students, but also individuals and institutions that understand the importance of knowledge, education and cultural development," Olga Danilovic said. .- "As long as Serbia is among those countries that have never built their cultural pattern."
The students were also introduced to the alumni club and its work by fellow student and alumni Nemanja Vuckovic, while alumni club president Anastasia Kostic greeted them from Prague via video clip.

Former scholarship recipient Marina Filipovic spoke about her experience with the Studenica Foundation. She is currently a PhD candidate and works at the Faculty of Security, University of Belgrade. Marina said that in addition to providing financial support and creating better conditions for education, the Studenica Foundation scholarship for her was a great incentive for the successful achievement of all the academic goals she envisioned at the time. "The moral obligation to justify the confidence of the people who lent me a hand on the road to success strongly motivated me to complete basic academic studies at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security, as the best student in a generation," Marina said. In addition, Marina Filipovic told this year's scholarship recipients: "What is of the greatest value is that you will receive on this occasion are new acquaintances, friendships and experiences." Marina pointed out that during her volunteer engagement in several different projects under the auspices of the Foundation, she had the opportunity to participate in creative work together with other grantees, great team players with active and quality knowledge, and felt what the team spirit and the synergetic effect of such work really meant. "Everyone with their expertise contributed to the realization of common goals, we learned from each other, encouraged each other and looked forward to each successfully completed task. On this occasion, we have built lasting friendships, which is certainly one of the most important values that we need to develop during our education. "
After the formal signing of the scholarship agreement, the Alumni choir sang the song "There Far," followed by a joint photo shoot.